"In this world where hate and rejection is so rampant, Samford should be doing everything it can to show God's love to EVERYONE."

Dear Dr. Taylor

I have started this letter several times trying to write something that would be moving enough to change your mind. I have realized that I only need to tell you how I feel & leave the rest up to the Lord.

I am, as many on this blog, a Samford graduate. I finished nursing school in 1980. I loved my time at Samford. I made great friends & met my husband there. I am a follower of Christ & I am also the mother of a gay son. I want to say that I knew my son was gay before he was old enough to go to school so I am convinced that homosexuality is biological and not a choice. How can a small child make that decision! I bet that there are lots of parents out there that could attest to the same thing. I also want you to know my son is happily married and that many of our Southern Baptist friends including our pastor attended his wedding and have been affirming to him in every way. For that, I am so grateful!

Since the news that was published last week about the exclusion of certain denominations from Samford's Ministry Fair because they affirm LGBTQ people, I have been heartbroken & angry. There are a multitude of Biblical doctrines that have been debated over the years and most Biblical scholars and Christians have differing beliefs on something in the Bible. I also believe, as quoted on americanprogress.com, that "God didn't finish talking to us in the first century (when the Bible was put together). God continues to interact with us on an ongoing basis ...The Biblical text for this is John 16: 12-13.” “I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth...."

That Samford would make the rejection of Christian denominations that are willing to love and minister to anyone, including LGBTQ people, its new policy, is inconceivable to me. In this world where hate and rejection is so rampant, Samford should be doing everything it can to show God's love to EVERYONE. And if there are churches that are willing to minister to and love these students, they should absolutely have a place at the table!

I will leave you with the verses that I believe are the most important in the Bible: Matthew 22:34-40.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it:Love your neighbor as yourself. ALL the Law and the Prophets hang on these two Commandments."

There are NO qualifiers in this verse! Love means Love and ALL means ALL!

Terrell Stubbins Halcomb
Class of 1980

Brit Blalock